
CHS launches rural health and well-being resource site

Two men standing in front of a pickup truck facing a field being harvested by a combine.

Apr 20, 2020

At CHS, the safety and well-being of our owners, customers, employees and rural communities is our first priority. As part of our ongoing commitment to rural health and well-being, CHS has launched a new online resource tool, which links users to national, regional and state resources to help farmers, ranchers and others in the cooperative system recognize and respond to anxiety and stress.

“CHS recognizes that farmers and ranchers must navigate the many stresses of ag production, especially with the added uncertainty caused by COVID-19,” says Jessie Headrick, director, CHS Community Giving. “We hope these resources will help them manage stress during these unprecedented times.” 

The resources shown on the site are provided by organizations throughout the U.S. who are also dedicated to helping farm and ranch families and others in the cooperative system navigate difficult situations. 

The resource site is just one piece of the ongoing CHS commitment to rural health and well-being. Last year, CHS Community Giving committed $100,000 to support eight organizations that help farmers, ranchers, health service providers and agribusiness professionals.