Automatic transmissions in today’s heavy-duty fleets have come a long way. Designed to deliver better power and performance, today’s automatic transmissions require protection from a premium lubricant to remain efficient and promote longevity. That’s why knowing how to select the right ATF is key to protecting your bottom line and the durability of your equipment.
Why is it important to use a full-synthetic automatic transmission fluid (ATF) over a conventional transmission fluid?
Full synthetic ATFs are proven to outperform mineral based fluids. Using a full synthetic fluid can allow for better performance in cold temperatures, resulting in better cold starts. Full synthetic ATFs also have enhanced friction modifier durability, meaning fleets can run hotter for longer.
Anti-wear properties are also enhanced with the full synthetic fluid, which leads to extended transmission life. Overall, full synthetic ATFs ensure a better overall performance and smoother shifting.
What’s the most important factor to consider when selecting an automatic transmission fluid?
When looking for an automatic transmission fluid, look for a product that is formulated to exceed demands of equipment and meets original equipment manufacturer (OEM) specifications. For heavy duty automatic transmissions, Allison is a global leader and sets the standard for a quality fluid. Using a transmission fluid that meets Allison specifications, like Cenex® Maxtron® ATF SS8, shows that the fluid meets the optimal standard of quality for equipment. Using a fluid that meets TES 668 specification, like Maxtron ATF SS8, provides the equipment with the highest level of protection. TES 668 is also backwards compatible to previous Allison's specifications.
Before purchasing a transmission fluid, it is important to read your owner's manual to ensure the right fluid is selected. Other transmission manufacturers will have different specifications that could be met by other synthetic fluids, like Cenex Maxtron MT or Cenex Maxtron HD ATF.
How can choosing certain products help streamline my operation?
Fleet owners with vehicles using the same transmission manufacturer can benefit from using a fluid with the latest OEM specification. Fleet owners with non-Allison transmissions can benefit from products like Maxtron MT. By using a single transmission fluid across a fleet, fleet owners and operators can simplify their maintenance routine and streamline operations.